Carta de nuestro candidato
Tengo la convicción plena de luchar por Mojácar para que nuestro pueblo sea
definitivamente un lugar de vecindad, de progreso y de oportunidades para
nuestros jóvenes. Voy a luchar para convertir a Mojácar en un lugar agradable
para nuestros mayores, de tolerancia con los distintos y con el deber de
respetar y nunca intervenir contra la voluntad de nuestro pueblo.
Vengo a combatir el amiguismo, la economía de privilegios y en especial a
la mayor plaga de estos tiempos, que es la que sostiene que seremos más felices
si nos enriquecemos como sea y a la costa de quien sea. Vengo a luchar para que
nos entendamos para lograr que en Mojácar reina la vecindad, la solidaridad, el
trabajo digno, la equidad y el entendimiento basado en el respeto y la
Le declaro la batalla al amiguismo y a los privilegiados a costa del
esfuerzo ajeno, que nos quieren organizar nuestra economía, la política,
nuestros hábitos y costumbres, en definitiva, la vida misma.
Tengo como meta formar un gobierno que trabaje superando las diferencias,
el individualismo, que no responda al interés de unos pocos y menos al interés
inmediato; un gobierno que cuida nuestro patrimonio, que defienda el interés
público y social, que no entregue los servicios básicos para que los gestione
un privado, que lo administre con capacidad, talento, convicción de servicio y
trabajo, que para eso somos elegidos.
Porque juntos y solo juntos, lograremos un Mojácar diferente. El próximo 26
de mayo, vecinos y vecinas y un gobierno seremos un solo bloque.
Junto venceremos.
Carlos Rodríguez
Letter from the Candidate
I have the
determination to fight for Mojácar so that our town becomes, without doubt, a
place of integration, of progress and of opportunities for our young people. I
will fight also to turn Mojácar into a pleasant place for our elders, a
community of tolerance for all, and with the solemn duty to respect and never
intervene against the will of our people.
I come to fight
cronyism, the economy of privileges and back-handers and especially to strike
down the greatest plague of these times, which is the fantasy that we will all
be happier and wealthier if we can become so at the expense of others. I stand
so that we are convinced that in Mojácar is based on harmony, solidarity,
honest work, equity and mutual understanding based on respect and education.
I declare battle
on corruption, on favouritism and on the privileged at the expense of the
effort of others, against those who want to organize our economy, our politics,
our habits and customs; in short, those who dream to manage our very lives.
My goal is to form
a government that works in overcoming differences and selfish individualism,
that does not respond to the interests of just the few and their immediate
interests; a government that takes care of our history and culture, that
defends the public and social interest, that does not deliver our basic
services to the private sector, that administers our municipality with
capacity, talent and the conviction of both service and hard-work; for this is
why we stand, and will be chosen.
My conception is
that of a municipal government based on full residential assistance. Together
we must decide the most important decisions based on consensus. For all these
reasons, I ask for your trust, your vote and your participation.
Because together,
and only together, we will achieve a different and better Mojácar.
From May 26,
citizens and their government will become a single entity.
Together we will
Carlos Rodríguez Sueiro
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